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              F. CASH PH.D.

Body Image Assessments: Discounted Package


These four popular assessments capture key facets of the body-image construct. The MBSRQ is a well-established, multidimensional assessment of body-image attitudes. Its shorter 34-item version pertains to appearance-related attitudes, whereas the longer 69-item version also taps fitness/health attitudes. The 20-item ASI-R captures dimensions body-image investment, the psychological importance that people invest in their appearance. The 20-item SIBID assesses negative body-image emotions across a range of situational contexts. The 19-item BIQLI uniquely measures the positive and negative impacts of body-image experiences on individuals’ quality of life across multiple pertinent areas.

This package is offered at a discount to promote research that incorporates multiple facets of the body-image construct, as well as to help novice researchers thoughtfully select the assessment(s) most relevant to their particular study of body image.

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