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Publications & Research: Publication AreasOther PublicationsCash, T.F. (2009). Caveats in the proficient preparation of an APA-style research manuscript for publication. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 6, 1-6. Kelley, M.L., Nair, V., Rawlings, T., Cash, T., Steer, K., & Fals-Stewart, W. (2005). Retrospective reports of parenting received in families of origin: Relationships to adult attachment in adult children of alcoholics. Addictive Behaviors, 30, 1479-1495. Kelley, M.L., Cash, T.F., Grant, A.F., Miles, D., & Santos, M.T. (2004). Parental alcoholism: Relationships to adult attachment in college women and men. Addictive Behaviors, 29, 1633-1636. Cash, T.F., & Brown, M.A. (2000). Attitudes about antidepressants: Influence of information about weight-related side effects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 90, 453-456. Wilson, D., & Cash, T.F. (2000). Who reads self-help books?: Attitudes and personality attributes. Personality & Individual Differences, 29, 119-129. Lewis, R.J., Cash, T.F., Jacobi, L., & Bubb-Lewis, C. (1997). Prejudice toward fat people: The development and validation of the Anti-fat Attitudes Test. Obesity Research, 5, 297-307. Sanchez-Hucles, J., & Cash, T.F. (1992). The dissertation in professional psychology programs: I. A clinical directors' survey of requirements and practices. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, 59-62. Cash, T.F., & Sanchez-Hucles, J. (1992). The dissertation in professional psychology programs: II. Model and evaluation of a preparatory course. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, 63-65. Brown, T.A., & Cash, T.F. (1990). The phenomenon of nonclinical panic: Parameters of panic, fear, and avoidance. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 4, 15-29. Brown, T.A., & Cash, T.F. (1989). The phenomenon of panic in nonclinical populations: Further evidence and methodological considerations. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 3, 139-148. Cash, T.F., Mikulka, P.J., & Brown, T.A. (1989). Validity of Millon's computerized interpretation system for the MCMI: Comments on Moreland and Onstad. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57, 311-312. Cash, T.F., Rimm, D.C., & MacKinnon, R. (1986). Rational-irrational beliefs and the effects of the Velten Mood Induction Procedure. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 10, 461-467. Cash, T.F. (1984). The Irrational Beliefs Test: Its relationships with cognitive- behavioral traits and depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 40, 1399-1405. Cash, T.F., Briddell, D.W., Gillen, H.B., & MacKinnon, C. (1984). When alcoholics are not anonymous: Social perceptual effects of labeling and drinking pattern. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 45, 272-275. Wilkins, W., & Cash, T.F. (1984). Grave matters concerning covert behavior therapy. The Behavior Therapist, 7, 153-155. Etringer, B., Cash, T.F., & Rimm, D.C. (1982). Behavioral, affective, and cognitive effects of participant modeling and an equally credible placebo. Behavior Therapy, 13, 476-485. Cash, T.F., Kehr, J., & Salzbach, R.F. (1978). Help-seeking attitudes and perceptions of counselor behavior. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 25, 264-269. Cash, T.F., & Janda, L.H. (1977). Evaluation of pertinent sources of volunteer bias in behavior therapy research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 337-338. Janda, L.H., & Cash, T.F. (1976). Effect of relaxation training on physiological and self-report indices. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 42, 444. Cash, T.F., Stack, J.J., & Luna, G.C. (1975). Convergent and discriminant behavioral aspects of interpersonal trust. Psychological Reports, 37, 983-986. Cash, T.F.(1973). Methodological problems and progress in schizophrenia research: A survey. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 40, 278-286. Cash, T.F., & Stack, J.J. (1973). Locus of control among schizophrenics and other hospitalized psychiatric patients. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 8, 105-122. Cash, T.F., Neale, J.M., & Cromwell, R.L. (1972). Span of apprehension in acute schizophrenics: Full-report technique. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 79, 322-326. Deckner, C.S., Greenberg, H.C., & Cash, T.F. (1971). The relationship of cue strength and temporal interval to schizophrenic associative disorders. Journal of Psychology, 79, 123-130. Nideffer, R.M., Deckner, C.W., Cromwell, R.L., & Cash, T.F. (1971). The relationship of alpha rhythms to attentional sets in schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 152, 346-352. Body
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